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Audlem Festival programme promises a fantastic weekend of music

25th April 2007 @ 10:10am – by Audlem Webteam
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The Audlem Festival team is now distributing programmes for this year's event which runs from Friday 25th until Monday 28th May. The Festival team – Al Dean; John Gunstone; Ian Haughey; Pete Marshall and Ralph Warburton – have pulled together an amazing array of talent from near and far that will provide a fabulous weekend of entertainment.

Friday 25th opens with Flight 505 and Nemo & The Trent Vale Poet playing at the Public Hall. Tickets are just £5 and the doors open at 8.00pm. The programme describes Flight 505 as a "killing combination, these are guys you pray your old man won't turn out like!" Nemo play Rock & Roll with dodgy pound-shop coloured flashing lights while The Trent Vale Poet has been performing his witty thought-provoking brand of poetry for a number of years. It all sounds quite a night!

The pubs are all laying on music too with Audlem's very own Duffey Boys booked for The Lord Combermere from 9.00pm; local favourites Gambler at the Shroppie Fly from 9.30pm and Blue C, made up of Raphael Callaghan on vocals, slide guitar and harmonica and Christine Purnell on bass playing at The Bridge from 9.00pm.

Tomorrow, we will feature the programme for the Saturday. The next day we will feature the Sunday programme, where a highlight will be the St James' School performance in St James' Church on Sunday evening. The Bank Holiday Monday will, of course, also be Carnival day.

The main sponsors of the Festival are Audlem Parish Council and ADAS, the Audlem District Amenities Society

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