Aston and District W.I. met for their first meeting of the year on Friday 4th February. Our president Rosemary Lomas gave a warm welcome especially to our 4 new members. There was an update on our tree planting for the WI Centenary followed by a decision on the date for our very own branch centenary and we are looking forward to the celebration meal.
Our forthcoming ‘Bring and Buy’ Sale is planned to take place in May.
The blankets so kindly knitted by our members were on display and will soon be on their way to the Salvation Army for distribution/sale.
Our speaker for the afternoon was Melanie Latham with a talk entitled 'Chutney to Cheer'. Melanie brought along a large range of her products which go under the trade name of Holly Cottage Preserves. She also brought along a vast amount of enjoyment, relating some very funny exploits.
Little did we know when we sat down to watch someone making a spicy plum chutney that it could be so hilarious! Lots of helpful tips were given along the way but it must be said that Melanie has a gift for entertaining her audience. It certainly was an afternoon filled with lots of chutney mixed with lots of laughter.
The vote of thanks was given by Christine Groves.
The competition of a jar of preserve was won by Rosemary Lomas and the raffle prizes were awarded after our tea and cake.
The Luncheon Club will meet on 8th February at ‘The Combermere’, Burleydam at 12.00 noon and the Walking Group will be meeting at ‘The Old Hall’, Sandbach on Wednesday 9th February at 10.30 am. The Art Class has been arranged for the 6th April at Broomhall.
Our next meeting will take place on Friday 4thMarch at 2.00 pm at Broomhall Community Centre. The speaker will be Ellen Mathews with a talk entitled “Among my Souvenirs” and the competition is a Holiday Souvenir.
Visitors and new members are always very welcome and for further information please take a look at our web site: –
Glenys Inight & Diane Joslyn
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