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Aston and District W.I. Report

8th June 2023 @ 6:06am – by Vicky Kershaw
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aston wi meeting place

The June meeting of Aston and District WI took place at St Andrews chapel in Aston at 7:15 on Friday 2nd June.

Our meeting was opened as usual by our President Glenys Inight who shared information and notices with the members. Some of our group had signed in to the National Federation AGM by zoom which was a first ! This went well and as it proved so successful it is hoped this may be repeated in subsequent years.

Ann Pye then went on to update us on other salient points from the day and we were pleased to hear that the resolution “ Clean rivers for people and wildlife “ had been carried .

Unfortunately our planned speaker for the evening had cancelled but undeterred some of the committee members ( and husbands ! ) arranged a quiz night. We formed into small groups and worked out country anagrams ; who would have guessed A CHAOS FRUIT was South Africa !This was followed by an opportunity to work out the counties of various UK landmarks ;tried answering a holiday destination Quiz ,and had a go at naming landmarks from photos and place them in the correct city and country We finished the evening with a holiday version of Kim’s game,memorising a selection of objects .

It proved to be a fun and very sociable evening ,turns out we are quite a competitive bunch especially when boxes of chocolates are the prize !

We still held our themed competition ( flight memorabilia)which was won by our President with a lovely plane shaped cruet set .

Future Dates

The luncheon club will meet at the Combermere Arms at 12 noon on the 6th June

The walking group at Marbury car park, Northwich 10:30 7th June

Next meeting 7:15 Friday 7th July St. Andrews chapel Aston

Vicky Kershaw

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