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ARS walk on Saturday

2nd January 2011 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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The first ARS (Audlem Ramblers Society) walk of 2011 is fairly local and is this coming Saturday, 8th January, meeting at Audlem car park at 9.00am. The walk is to be led by Peter Kay who describes it as follows:

"The walk is just over 10 miles and is at the upper end of the 2 boot scale. Parking is at Maer Village Hall car park. There will be a 50p per head charge.

"We start by heading towards Maer Hills, crossing the A51 and then climbing through the woods to the highest point. We descend to Baldwins Gate via the posh Madeley Park Wood development.

"Our next destination, via an old track, is Whitmore. There we cross the A53 and climb towards Acton. Before reaching the village we descend on an old greenway by the side of Swynnerton Old Park to cross the railway line just before Stableford.

"There's a short steep climb back to the A51 followed by a gentle ascent to the top of the hill above Maer. It's then a pleasant descent back to the village."

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