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ARS to Rawhead and beyond

3rd December 2023 @ 6:06am – by ARS
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Ed – apologies – early editions of AudlemOnline had the date as Saturday December 8th.

Saturday December 9th

Karen Mason is leading the next Audlem Ramblers (ARS) walk , meet Audlem Car Park at 8.30 am

This walk at 6 miles will be a shorter walk than usual but nevertheless, the climbs up to Rawhead and later, Bickerton and Larkton hills do require a bit of effort.

We begin at the Sandstone pub car park on the A534 in Brown Knowl. We cross the road and walk up to the village of Harthill. From here we continue ascending to Bodnik Wood and on to the summit of Rawhead, with views through trees of the Clwydian Range and Shropshire hills. We continue along the edge of the hillside eventually arriving back at the A534. We cross over once more, passing Bickerton Church and on to Bickerton Hill with excellent views back to the high sandstone ridge at Rawhead. We continue to Larkton Hill with what remains of Maiden Castle, an iron age hillfort before descending to our starting point in Brown Knowl.

Total ascent: 263m. Approx 10 stiles.

Starting point: The Sandstone, CH3 9JH (about 30mins from Audlem).

NB All walkers must have suitable footwear and be prepared for adverse weather, carry food and water to last for the entire walk and be suitably fit for the various lengths of walk.

Each walk is led by a nominated leader who will carry some first-aid equipment. The leader has the right to refuse to include in a group anyone who is felt not be adequately equipped.

Non-members of Audlem Rambling Society (ARS) are welcome to come on a walk but are expected to join ARS and pay the membership fee after a trial walk or two.

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