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APC Meeting Report

15th May 2024 @ 6:06am – by webteam
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Notes of Audlem Parish Council meeting held on Monday 13th May at 7 pm

NB – these are a few notes by our reporter on the many items discussed at the meeting – the official minutes will be issued later by APC

  • Attended by 7 Parish Councillors, the Clerk and about 20 members of the public
  • Geoff Seddon was re-elected Chair
  • Stephen Hopkins was elected Vice-Chair
  • Three new councillors were co-opted:- Nick Brennan, Carl Dovey, Ryan Jones; leaving two vacancies
  • Accepted there are concerns at the time taken to resolve the alleged fraud on the council's finances; the clerk has written to the previous and recently appointed Police Crime Commissioners and has been assured their concerns have been passed on to the Chief Constable.
  • The Council is still in private discussion with a solicitor re the original transfer of Turnpike Field to APC
  • The clerk is responding to queries over the precept raised by members of the public
  • Objections had been raised to planning applications at Swanbach Grange and Pheasants Rise, Cox Bank
  • Council members had met Cheshire East to discuss the cost and implications of leasing the Public Car Park
  • The need for volunteer help to manage removal of Himalayan Balsam and Ragwort on Turnpike Field was discussed
  • The importance of responding to Cheshire East consultation on Public Transport was discussed with a reminder that especially in rural areas we all may become more reliant on the service as we grow older.
  • Membership of Committees, working groups and external bodies was deferred to the next meeting when the newly co-opted councillors can attend

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