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Another Open Letter

30th October 2014 @ 6:06am – by Nigel Epps
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Last week, after AudlemOnline published Ralph Warburton's Open Letter, we invited other contributions from anyone interested in the issue of taking over the playing field, car park etc.

Ex-parish councillor and ex-chair of the Parish Council Bill Consterdine also responded and yesterday we published Lynne Smith's views. Today Nigel Epps adds his views. We will happily publish other contributions on this important issue.

Please email if you wish to have your say.

I would like to add my voice to the passionate and articulate open letters supporting the PC takeover of Audlem's Car Park and Leisure areas.

I can only add that, in my opinion, the issue is one of control.

We have seen with the Gladman situation the consequences of not being able to manage events that can detrimentally affect our village.

People who don't know Audlem and perhaps have never even been here plan, decide and apply changes that we simply don't want with dedicated villagers trying to deal with the aftermath.

I am a real supporter of the Parish Council and would urge them to grasp this opportunity, while it exists, to avoid potential future problems that could develop by leaving these areas in the control of outsiders.

Nigel Epps

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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