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An Ode to the Canal by Geoffrey Robinson

25th September 2021 @ 6:06am – by Geoffrey Robinson
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shroppie flyaudlem mill

Editor's comment:- I imagine many of the boats currently stranded would really appreciate 4mph through the flight of locks!

The Ode to the Canal

Sat by the canal on a September's morn..
Not much movement as I stifle a yawn..
No ebb or flow and the canal is so still..
Beneath the shade of the old Audlem mill..

It's so quiet here hardly a sound to be heard..
Apart from the call of a distant bird..
At four miles an hour canal life is slow..
You meet lovely folk wherever you go..

Nature did intend to show us her best..
Forget all your worries come here for a rest..
You're bound to enjoy this wonderful place..
Fresh air in your lungs a smile on your face..

Such a lot to see and so much to learn..
I am betting that you will want to return..

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