There's an amazing show coming to Audlem at the end of April courtesy of t.a.v.a. (Touring Arts Visiting Audlem). After the sell-out success of their Cabaret evening earlier this month, they have organised a real coup for the village. The internationally renowned artists Black Umfolosi stunned audiences when they came to the UK last year and now they are to appear in Audlem.
The richness of the sound Black Umfolosi make is unmissable. It's a high energy show which gives a glimpse of another culture – a performance of traditional southern African songs (a-cappella) plus 2 traditional dances – celebrating the 25 years of the Black Umfolosi collaboration.
This is what others said last year: "You just blew us away"..."an inspiration for all of us"...from the pupils and staff of a Yorkshire school.
"Marvellous harmonies...spine tingling gospel singing, bare torsoed, hard-hatted gum-boot dancing" said the Glasgow Herald.
This is a show that's suitable for all, including families and children. It's on Sunday 29th April 2007 at Audlem St James Primary School and it starts at 2.30 pm. For tickets please telephone 01270 811250.
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