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Alpacas Work Opportunity

28th February 2024 @ 6:06am – by Yolanda Lambert
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After breeding black alpacas for five years. I guess our girls and babies( crias) have become the most photographed animals in Audlem.

There are now over 50,000 registered pedigree alpacas in the UK and rising. They are bred ultimately for their luxury fibre, which is much finer than wool. A property recognised 2000 years ago in South America. At one point fleece was worth more than gold!Alpacas are relatively simple to keep, but our daily chores include the usual feeding, cleaning, and pasture maintenance. We are getting to numbers where we could do with some part time paid help around the farm.

Experience with large animals, particularly horses would be helpful, but, not essential.

Days and hours will be negotiable.

We don't do alpaca trekking here, but our youngsters all require halter training before going to new homes. If anyone is interested in volunteering to help with this you must be over 18yrs

Please do get in touch if you enjoy working outside and would like to have a unique experience with these inquisitive, calm and gentle animals.

Contact Charlie or Yolanda

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