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Allotments campaign gets underway

2nd September 2008 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Ruth Kemble writes: "Christine Johnson and I have just attended the public forum of the Parish Council meeting and addressed them on the subject of allotments. Following comments at the Annual Parish Meeting in June in favour of creating allotments in Audlem , we started to do some research, and have discovered:-

• This year is the centenary of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act.

• We have visited allotments in local areas and were invited to attend a meeting of the North Staffs Allotment Network – there are 76 allotment sites in the City of Stoke-upon-Trent alone.

• We were given advice and information about various relevant sources of start-up and continuation funding for allotments.

• We met a member from Brown Edge where they have just formed an allotments association. The Parish council there had written to every sizeable landowner in the Parish to ask if anyone was prepared to make land available and a suitable plot had been donated.

• We are starting to gauge local interest with a poster and leaflet campaign in the Village. We will collate these results and forward them to the council for information.

• When we have collated this information we will then form a working party to implement the formation of the Audlem Allotment Association.

"We request that:

A. The Council consider writing to local landowners.

B. If nothing has been forth coming by the next Parish meeting that the Provision of Allotments is an agenda item at that meeting."

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