ADCA has sadly lost out on obtaining a Carers' Choice Grant this year. Our bid for £7,890 to keep our popular carers breaks going and help with staff costs was not successful.
This is extremely disappointing to us as this grant is key to our being able to support our local carers.
Fourteen bids went forward in total, of which ten were successful, and four not – including ADCA's.
The good news is that the Council has invited bids for a new Carers' Community Respite Grant to enable more respite support to be made available in the local community.
ADCA have put in a strong bid for £9,450 and a decision is expected soon. If we are successful we hope to be able to start deploying these funds from September.
And of course we continue to seek other grant opportunities to fund our Carers Breaks, as well as pursuing new fund-raising ideas.
All suggestions welcome!
In the meantime, ADCA will continue to run our twice monthly Carers Coffee Mornings and our twice monthly Zoom sessions as follows:
From Wednesday 4 August:
Carers Coffee Mornings (in the Annexe) – first and third Wednesday of the month
Carers Zoom sessions- second and fourth Wednesday of the month
Finally, Cheshire East Council is setting up a 'Carers Forum' which the Council aims to use to influence its future plans and to ensure good support services are available.
Carers are being invited to participate in this new initiative, which aims to facilitate two-way communication between carers and services used by all carers and their families in Cheshire East. The forum will work to provide feedback on services, offer constructive challenge to current services and input into decision making and planning for future service provision.
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