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ADCA Open Day reminder

28th March 2011 @ 7:07am – by Audlem Webteam
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Please come to the ADCA Open Day tomorrow (Tuesday) and see what the Day Club is all about, and find out why it will be run by a new Audlem charity, ADCA (Audlem and District Community Action).

New volunteers are needed to assist with this very worthwhile enterprise. If enough support can be found, then there are plans to extend the existing one-day-per-week Day Club into other activities to benefit older members of the community who are wanting a social day out due to isolation or loneliness.

The Open Day will be on Tuesday, March 29th at Thornton House from 1.30pm to 4pm. Cakes and tea will be available, and there will be a raffle.

Please see the ADCA page on the website (follow the link underneath the photo) for more information about volunteers and members.

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