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ADAS AGM last night including 'Best Kept Awards'

19th October 2006 @ 9:09am – by Audlem Webteam
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ADAS, the Audlem District Amenities Society, last night held its 37th Annual General Meeting at the St James School Hall. The Society has sent its report on the meeting, as follows:-

"Attendance was sadly quite low at just 27 and one wonders what must be done to attract members to come to both hear the presentations and to take part in the conviviality of the "after meeting" wine and social chatting. Invitations had been sent out by email and notices posted around the shops and on the notice boards advising all of the meeting. Plus the news was given out on the web site.

"To the meeting itself. Minutes of the 2005 meeting were agreed and accepted. Ralph Warburton, as Chairman, gave his report on the year's activities. Treasurer Michelle Perkin presented the year-end accounts of the main ADAS body – showing a healthy bank balance of some £6500 – having expended around £9000 plus over the year. Much support was received from local businesses and from residents responding to our sponsorship drive for which we are very grateful. Additionally, we receive funds from the main event of the Open Garden Weekend and Silent Auction to aid us in our effort for the village and surrounding district.

"Michael Thornton presented the accounts of the Audlem Amenities Trust and Ralph Warburton presented the accounts of the Audlem Medical & Nursing Trust. Votes were held for the election of the officers of the committee and Ralph, Michelle Perkin and Ann Wollaston will continue in their posts until their term of office expires. No candidate came forward for the post of vice chairman. The Honorary Auditor Kevin Mellor was thanked for all his work on the accounts and asked to continue as such.

"The presentation of the Best Kept Awards to Residents was made by Irene Pryce and the winners were Mr & Mrs Roy Reynolds of Holly Bank and Peggy Furber of Paddock Lane – who were there to receive their awards. The Award for the Commercial section was made with much congratulation to Stephen & Helen Nash of the Lord Combermere. Stephen accepted his trophy and expressed their wish to be a major part of the community life here in the Village.

"The meeting closed and an hour of good social intercourse took place with wine and snacks as members chatted about the village in general. It is our hope that next year the attendance might be better perhaps refecting the "vibrancy" of the village! In 2009 ADAS will celebrate 40 years of existence and planning is now beginning as how best to mark this milestone.

"Thanks must be made to the school and the caretaker for setting everthing up beforehand so efficiently."

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