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A Cunning Plan

27th April 2020 @ 6:06am – by Peter Webb
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ve day celebration at school

VE Day Commemoration

It is sad that we are unable to commemorate VE day as only Audlem people can with an open air party on the playing field, but it's not to be....

Mr Perry has suggested parties on our front lawns which in the present lockdown would be right for the occasion.

But, as Baldrick would say, I have a cunning plan.

We never seem to commemorate VJ day (Victory over Japan) – this year the British Legion are hopefully (if the lockdown has finished) holding a three day event at the National arboretum on the 14th to the 16th August for the VJ commemoration.

So here's the cunning plan

Why doesn't the country, or even Audlem, hold the commemoration on that weekend?.

When I was an apprentice I worked with soldiers who fought in Burma – they called themselves the forgotten army. I listened to their stories, very graphic and very sad.

When asked if they would do it again if called? Yes they would, they said.

One guy told me the prayer that was adopted by the soldiers after the war.

"when you go home, tell them of us and say.
For your tomorrow, we gave our today"

It's the first line that hits you, WHEN YOU GO HOME? They seemed to know thousands would not be going home,

Don't let's forget the forgotten army.

Peter Webb.

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