One of the original prime purposes of AudlemOnline was to promote local businesses, shops and enterprises. A key part of this lies in having the online directory, and keeping it accurate and up-to-date..
This includes letting us know if your business ceases trading!
AudlemOnline is a Community website, run entirely by volunteers, so there is no charge to appear in our directories.
But....Businesses will only be included if they are based within five miles of Audlem Village Centre.
This page is to allow businesses and organisations that wish to appear in the AudlemOnline directory to give us the details to be displayed, and to update them when necessary.
Directory entries will be moderated by the AudlemOnline editors before they appear online.
The only information that will actually appear in your directory entry is the items in the last section – the rest of it is for us to administer the system and will be kept private and not used for any other purpose.
You need to tell us whether you are creating, amending or deleting an entry.
Create – you need to give us all the details required by the form.
Amend – you need only give us the details to be changed, but you must still complete your name and contact details so that we can check if necessary.
Delete – just ensure that the title of the item to be deleted is unambiguous, and that you have provided your name and details.
We split the directory into three sections
Includes shops, trades, tutors – basically anybody selling goods and services .to end users.
Groups including charities, sports clubs, societies and fitness classes.
Organisations providing medical and emergency services, medical practitioners, churches and other local amenities.
In general, directory entries are of two types :-
If you specify a website, then the directory entry is designed to link straight to it – this means that we don't have to duplicate information nor keep it up to date. You can still include a very limited bit of text in the text box, which will be displayed automatically.
The example shown is for the directory entry for LLLovely, who have their own website. The reader will see the panel as shown, and when they click on "WEBSITE", they will be transferred straight there.
The directory entry title in this case is "LLLovely" and the next line displayed comes from the 'subtitle or Brief Description' field as you enter it.
If you don't use a website then the text box must contain all the bits of information that you want the reader to see. These might typically include name of contact, the best phone number to get through to you or your business, your e-mail address, details of your opening hours if you are a retail shop, and where people can find you.
The directory entry that the reader will see will be of the form shown here for Williams' Newsagents. When the details button is clicked, the entry expands downwards to show all the details that have been submitted for that entry.
It is subsequently down to you to keep us informed of any changes.
Please complete the form below and press submit, and we will put your entry into the appropriate directory page.
AudlemOnline is powered by our active community.
Please send us your news and views using the button below: