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Open Evening and New Roles

22nd September 2015 @ 6:06am – by Becky Jewitt
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I have had the pleasure of visiting all classes this week as part of my regular Learning Walks in school and I have been delighted to see children's 'risk taking' in their learning as they have pushed themselves out of their comfort zones in their lessons and deepened their understanding of the concepts and ideas they are covering by 'diving for pearls' in their lessons.

This is one of our main focus areas in school this year as we support all of the children to 'master' skills and concepts through application and reasoning to gain a secure foundation for future learning.

From number patterns and ordering in Amethyst class to descriptive writing and recounts and place value in Key Stage 1 and 2, children have been using our 5Rs (being Ready, Resilient, Responsible, Reflective and Resourceful) to help them in their learning with some fabulous results!

We welcomed Reverend Helen on Wednesday morning as she visited each class to share the learning and to see the changes we have made to the learning environments across school. She also spent time visiting our new Reception and Nursery children and hearing all about their first few weeks of term.

I was very impressed with how keen they were to share their learning and classroom with her and how independent and confident they were in doing this!

All of our new Reception children have been allocated a Year 6 Buddy who is their link at break and lunch times and who will work with them at various points in the year. I am sure both the Year 6s and our Reception children will gain a lot from these special links.

Thank you to all of the parents and carers who joined us for our Meet the Teacher Open Evening last night. Many of you commented on how useful these sessions were as you were able to find out more about their child's new year group and how to continue to help to support your child/ren at home.

The end of year expectations overviews for Year 1 – Year 6 children, which were shared at this meeting, will be put onto our school website for those parents and carers who were unable to attend. I hope you find these a useful summary of the raised expectations for these year groups in the New National Curriculum.

Mr Perry and Mrs Tailor took our newly appointed Key Stage 2 Anti Bullying Ambassadors to a training day at Brine Leas High School yesterday where they joined children from other local schools as part of the Diana Award work to ensure everyone feels safe and happy in their school.

The children came back to school with lots of ideas and both Mr Perry and Mrs Tailor will be working with them to put their plans into action during this year.

Our first Active Audlem session of this year took place on Tuesday morning and once again it was a wonderful way to wake us all up and get our brains and body ready for our day! Thank you to everyone who joined us for this.

Super Sporting News!

Congratulations to Esther Wilding, in Year 6, who has become the top Under 11 athlete in Cheshire following a spectacular display of her skills at a recent multi event competition in Macclesfield.

Esther completed in the 800m, 100m, javelin and long jump events and came first overall, beating Dina Asher Smith's previous record time for the 100m for the Under 11 age range! A fabulous achievement!

News from FASA

Children in each class have been busy designing their own Christmas Cards to be printed as part of FASA's fund raising for school. Each child's card will be made into a sample card and families will be able to order packs of these cards with some of the proceeds going to school funds. Look out for the samples in your child/ren's reading bags later this term.

Plans for FASA's Spooky Night are now in full swing; this popular event will be held at the Scout and Guide hall on Sunday 1st November. The EYFS and Key Stage 1 disco will run from 4pm -5.15pm and the Key Stage 2 disco will run from 5.50pm-7pm. Parents are welcome to stay with their children for the EYFS/Key Stage 1 disco.

FASA's next meeting will take place on Wednesday 30th September at 2pm in the school hall. Please join us if you can. ABC Childcare
ABC's after school club children have settled in well and the new after school clubs on offer are proving popular. ABC's out of school club opens at 7.45am for breakfast club and then again at 3pm until 6pm for after school club. Both clubs offer great fun and great care.

ABC Nursery sessions

Do you have little ones? Babies and toddlers can attend ABC's nurturing nursery sessions, which are all teacher led. For more information, call Lynsey on 01270 669050.

Reception New Starters September 2016

Do you have a child, or know a child locally, who is due to start school in September 2016? The admissions window for applications has now opened and parents and carers can apply for a place at our school via Cheshire East Council's website.

We will be holding an Open Morning in school on Wednesday 7th October for prospective parents from 9.15am – 11.30am – please spread the word.

Fluenz Vaccine for Year 1 and 2 children

The school nursing team are offering the Fluenz nasal vaccination, to protect against flu, to all Year 1 and Year 2 children in primary schools this term. Information letters about this scheme and consent forms for children to receive the vaccination are being sent home in school bags today. Please look out for them.


As the weather becomes more Autumnal and changeable, we are asking children to make sure they bring coats in each day so they are able to enjoy their break times outside. Please can you ensure that your child has a named coat with them each day to assist with this. Thank you

R Jewitt

This article is from our news archive. As a result pictures or videos originally associated with it may have been removed and some of the content may no longer be accurate or relevant.

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