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Audlem FC Match Report

3rd May 2023 @ 6:06am – by Ralph Warburton
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A game that is our last of the season — and last in this top division . Playing away from home .

Match of the day quite toothless with very few games to review .

A piece I thought you may find of interest .

Listening to a piece about termites being used as a food stuff in some places in the world, and it set me to wondering more about these fascinating creatures .

So. Termites. Have been identified from fossils as having been here on our earth since the Cretaceous period of life — some 140 million years ago .

And are still alive and kicking in all continents bar Antarctica .

At first they were called white ants, but in fact biologically they are more akin to being blind cockroaches.

Like bee colonies, they have a king and a queen , but differently the two live together laying eggs at a stupendous rate . Some colonies are as big as having several million inhabitants, and their role in life is the consuming of decaying wood and plant matter , and by so doing enriching the soil on which we all depend for life. Living in massive underground galleries and tunnels , the large mounds we see are that of the material they eject from their mining activities.Active mostly in the tropics ,they are used both as food by some and as a medical aid by others.The African continent has over 1000 different species of this fascinating creature. In Venezuela they are also used as a spice in some dishes.

The most ancient nest/colony was discovered in Texas — but the very largest colony is in Brazil. With some 200 plus mounds covering an area as large as the size of Great Britain ! Just think of that. And dated as being over 4000 years old. Massive underground network of galleries and tunnels running all over the area. An amazing creature and one so vital to all of us. Dismiss such and or destroy , and it will be to our peril in the future , as more and more crops are needed for a huge population such as exists now here in 2023. What will it be in 2100. Scary, hey!

Game away as I say — in Bunbury , Versus NHB FC . Top referee , Des Evans , is in charge .

Squad for us is quite strong with fresh names turning out.

A victory to sign off our season in this top division.!!!!



And even then with a harsh decision of a goal disallowed.


Tom Smart , Ben Walker, Iain Chalker and that stalwart of the team, Andrew "Becco ".Betteley .

Man of the match is Leggy Tom Smart .

Over and out.

Since December it has been horrendous for myself, what with fractured vertebrae and for the last 11 days, damned COVID.

Now sure when I will do another match report . Right now I feel not for a while

Have a good day.

Ralph Warburton


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