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Audlem Baptist Church

27th March 2021 @ 6:06am – by Alan Paterson
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Service on Sunday

Audlem Baptist Church is carefully resuming Sunday Services this Sunday (Palm Sunday) at 10:30am. They will be in the same COVID-secure form as last year, complete with facemasks, social distancing, no singing and so on. If you would like to join us you would be welcome, but if you have not been before please call Alan or Judi on 811868 so that we know to expect you and so we can let you know about the arrangements that we have put in place for your safety.

During the current lockdown churches have not been required to close. But, in common with just about every church in the country, we decided that the call to stay at home was the overriding consideration so we have not met since January. Now, with restrictions gradually lifting, we feel able to take this step, but not all our congregation plans to return yet preferring to wait until the vaccination programme is further advanced. So the number of people attending our services will also gradually increase and we will continue to publish our Service Sheets on our own website each Sunday. Whether you attend in person or 'virtually from your home, we want you to feel welcome.

Thanks very much


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